"A Pocket History of the United States" offers readers a concise yet comprehensive journey through the complex tapestry of American history. Penned by esteemed historians Allan Nevins and Henry Steele...
"Addicted For Now" by Krista & Becca Ritchie is a compelling tale of addiction, love, and redemption, following the turbulent journey of two characters, Lily Calloway and Loren Hale, as...
"Arabic Language and Literature: An Introduction" by Dr. Khaliq Dad Malik and Hafiz Zia Ur Rehman-Azad, published by Book Depot, serves as a foundational text for understanding the rich tapestry...
Astronomy: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition by A. E. Roy and D. Clarke offers a thorough introduction to the principles and practices of astronomy, making it an invaluable resource for...
In "Dana Pani" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms with a keen eye for psychological depth. Set against the backdrop of...
Dive into the world of English literature with confidence and precision through "English Literature MCQs for CSS PMS Lecturer" by Mohsin Raza, brought to you by AHP Publishers. This meticulously...
Enter the realm of English literature with confidence and finesse through "Golden MCQs and Viva Voce on English Literature" by Golden Publications. This comprehensive guide serves as a beacon for...
In "Governance and Public Policies for CSS PMS PCS," esteemed authors Dr. Rasheed Ahmad and Muhammad Sohail Bhatti present a comprehensive guide tailored specifically for aspirants of competitive examinations such...
"Introduction to Management Accounting" in its esteemed 17th edition, authored by Charles Horngren, Gary Sundem, William Stratton, Dave Burgstahler, and Jeff Schatzberg, remains an indispensable resource for students and professionals...
"Introduction to Psychology" by Clifford Thomas Morgan, Richard Austin King, and John R. Weiss offers students a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the fundamental concepts and theories in psychology. Through...
"Objective English Literature and Viva Voce for Lecturer" authored by the renowned Shamsher Gondal and Iqbal Butt. This comprehensive guide is not merely a compilation of facts and figures but...